Goth Doofus is here. Do you know what Ehler-Danlos is? Shit's Wack.
🔞 Many Vids, Twitter, Instagram, Patreon, Wishlists:
I am a Human Being with Human Feelings, I am also Goth, Designer, Multi-Talented, Top, Domme, Humiliatrix, Degrader, Sadist, Disabled Person.. Whatever. I have a video pinned to the top of my page that is 93mins long that I would prefer you watch. It's a big old confession from yours truly! I am working on being seen as HUMAN instead of object now.
Please help me realize I am loveable on a non-objectified level. My disabled ass can't do this IRL shit anymore. I want to do so much more than porn. If you sign up for this, you are literally helping make a dream come true. Not just feeding into some miscellaneous greed like most others with an OF. I actually appreciate this, and DO cry in joy when I receive an email telling me somebody is supporting me. To me, it means the world. You don't even understand.