Professional Disciplinarian & Femdom. Occasional "LIVE" shows for fans to interact with me, lots of pictures, audios, mini-vids, free VM and MORE. PPV videos or audios at a * **discounted** * price. Subscribe to become a **SUPERFAN** & "spank you very much" for supporting my work
Now that we’ve got that out of the way
Oh, you have been so naughty! I see u there, checking out all the fun stuff on my page. Do u need a spanking? To submit to a dominant woman? Or are u one of those bad boys who needs to be put in a bra? As long as you’re over 18, you’re in the right place. To my friends, I’m Jenn Davis. To you, I’m MISS JENN. Do u understand me?
Do you need me to get my hairbrush? Or a thick leather strap? Whatever is needed. Let the punishment fit the crime I say. I’ve taught and lectured on the playful sides of BDSM for many years, & most recently been interviewed on TV about spanking. I hope you like my site. Be good, I’ve got my eye on you!